Holdem manager postgersql et windows 10

Je migre de seven à w10 :
Impossible d’installer hm2 sur windows 10 ,
il reste bloqué au début de l’installation (à priori il n’arrive pas à contacter le serveur sur le port 5432)
J’ai désactiver le parefeu windows et avast…toujours pareil
j’ai mme ajouter une règle pour autoriser l’ouverture du port .toujours pareil
Si qqun à une solution je suis preneur …
merci d’avance

Try installing PostgreSQL from this link - http://www.holdemmanager.com/downloads/postgres84

Then install HM2 again from the same file you already downloaded and it should install without issue. Once installed you will probably get prompted for a beta update. If you have any problems auto updating open your Windows Task Manager to the Processes tab and right-click - ‹ End Task › on the Holdem Manager process and click the ‹ Retry › button on the installer prompt.

Thats ok now
Thanks for your help

You are very welcome. Thank you for letting us know it solved your problems. It helps us when crafting future replies to other customers with similar problems.

Good luck at the tables. If you have any further questions or problems do not hesitate to ask us.