Full tilt racheté par pokerstars

Oops je corrige merci ^^

[quote=“shaggykiwi, post:457596”]C’est vrai que c’est une bonne nouvelle ^^

Mais en toute objectivité, craignez-vous le monopole de Pokerstars? Il n’y aurai plus de compétitivité… :/[/quote]

C’est déjà le cas aujourd’hui, je ne pense pas que le Groupe Tapie aura (ou aurai) les moyens de contester ce monopole s’il rachete FTP.

C’est vrai que ça commence à être le cas mais j’appellerais pas vraiment ça un monopole total vu que Winamax reste quand même un compétiteur coriace sur le marché français, du moins à mon point de vue

Le problème c’est que là, si les rumeurs sont vraies, il n’y aura vraiment plus de compétitivité à mon avis

C’est vrai que ça commence à être le cas mais j’appellerais pas vraiment ça un monopole total vu que Winamax reste quand même un compétiteur coriace sur le marché français, du moins à mon point de vue

Le problème c’est que là, si les rumeurs sont vraies, il n’y aura vraiment plus de compétitivité à mon avis[/quote]
Je parlais du marché mondial. FTP c’était peanuts sur le .Fr

je demande à voir quand même je reste septique


Daniel “jungleman12” Cates avait l’air d’être au courant :whistle:

Fabrice Soulier confirme le deal avec PS sur sa page twitter.
Je pense pas qu’il y ait vraiment de doute à avoir.

Oui, je comprends mais si sur le marché mondial PS surclasse toutes les rooms / réseaux, même au niveau national ça ne tiendrait plus je pense :confused:
Pokerstars proposerait des prizepool gigantesques , des rooms comme winamax, se verront forcé de sortir du marché, Pokerstars rabaissera les prizepool tout en détenant le monopole.

Enfin c’est mon hypothèse :stuck_out_tongue:

Nouvelle confirmée sur le site de Live Poker (très proche du groupe Tapie).


Ca a de la gueule non ? :wink:

Il y a un an la justice américaine fermait deux sites de poker frauduleux, Fulltilt et PokerStars.
Et un an après ils vont autoriser le rachat du premier par le deuxième ???
La mafia doit etre contente.

:ohmy: . ca c’est un effet de surprise !

[quote=“nicoflamingo, post:457616”]Il y a un an la justice américaine fermait deux sites de poker frauduleux, Fulltilt et PokerStars.
Et un an après ils vont autoriser le rachat du premier par le deuxième ???
La mafia doit etre contente.[/quote]

C’est vrai que si le marché était régulé, cela n’aurait pas pu se passer ainsi. Les lois anti-trust n’auraient jamais accepté que le leader rachète son principal concurrent.

J’imagine que le nouveau groupe Bwin-Party doive être en train de travailler à fond le sujet!

tant mieux pour les joueurs si ca se fait,
mais c pas le software de fulltilt qui peut le justifier, embaucher les developpeurs de fulltit au chomedu depuis blackfriday reviendrait quand meme beaucoup moins cher que 750 millions.
l’enjeu pour stars c clairement de se rabibocher avec le DOJ pour pour reinvestir le marché US après le legalisation du poker online et là 750 millions c clairement cadeau

"Groupe Bernard Tapie regrets to announce that, after seven months of intensive work, our efforts to obtain final approval of the United States Department of Justice of the agreement to acquire the assets of Full Tilt Poker have ended without success.
Ultimately, the deal failed due to two major issues.
The parties could not agree on a plan for repayment of ROW players.
GBT proposed a plan that would have resulted in immediate reinstatement of all ROW player balances, with a right to withdraw those funds over time, based on the size of the player balance and the extent of the player’s playing activity on the re-launched site. All players would have been permitted complete withdrawal of their balances, regardless of whether they played on the site, by a date certain, and 94.9% of ROW players would have been fully repaid on day 1. DOJ ultimately insisted on full repayment with right of withdrawal within 90 days for all players– a surprise demand made in the 11th hour, after months of good-faith negotiations by GBT.
The legal complications surrounding the deal – specifically, questions surrounding the legality of the forfeiture under non-US laws – also proved unresolvable.
All of the key assets of the FTP companies reside outside of the United States. A non-US court well might regard the purported forfeiture as a “fraudulent transaction” and declare it invalid or deem the acquirer of the assets responsible for all of those creditor obligations.
Given the $80 million purchase price, and the substantial amount of cash needed to relaunch FTP, those issues ultimately proved too substantial to overcome.
GBT is very conscious of the hopes it has created – among FTP employees that they will retain their jobs, among FTP players that they will recover their balances, and among the entire poker community that the world’s finest poker platform will be relaunched and bring a needed added element of competition to a world market that today is fully dominated by a single operator.
GBT cannot accept the end of those hopes.
For that reason, unless a concrete and legally viable solution is found in the very coming days to save the employees and repay the players of FTP, we will move to our own plan of action.
We understand from press reports that the DOJ may have entered into an agreement with PokerStars pursuant to which PokerStars will acquire the FTP assets.
If accurate, we can only assume that PokerStars determined that it was willing to accept these legal and financial risks in order to resolve its own legal situation with DOJ.

If a PokerStars acquisition of FTP means that all FTP players will be fully repaid immediately, we are very happy for the players, as their final and full repayment has always been our priority.
We only regret that such a deal would signal further consolidation of a poker market already dominated by a single player – an outcome that may raise antitrust concerns and that, in the long run, is probably not good for players and for the whole online poker industry.” " unquote
source: e gaming awards

Si j’ai bien compris ils ne feront rien si PokerStars annonce que le deal est conclu et que tous les joueurs sont payés même s’ils regrettent qu’il y ait une situation de “quasi-monopole” et qu’en revanche si ce n’est pas le cas (pour les joueurs)ils recherchent d’autre moyens d’actions.

J’ai bon?

C ce que j’ai compris egalementmais je pense qu’il s’agit d’une tournure de phrase mais en réalité Bernard Tapis semble avoir été été ejecté car PS a négocié un rachat Cash au moins 5x plus cher que ce que proposait Bernard Tapie et un remboursement total et instantané des joueurs.

[quote=“LORENZO2, post:457631”]quote
"Groupe Bernard Tapie regrets to announce that, after seven months of intensive work, our efforts to obtain final approval of the United States Department of Justice of the agreement to acquire the assets of Full Tilt Poker have ended without success.
Ultimately, the deal failed due to two major issues.
The parties could not agree on a plan for repayment of ROW players.
GBT proposed a plan that would have resulted in immediate reinstatement of all ROW player balances, with a right to withdraw those funds over time, based on the size of the player balance and the extent of the player’s playing activity on the re-launched site. All players would have been permitted complete withdrawal of their balances, regardless of whether they played on the site, by a date certain, and 94.9% of ROW players would have been fully repaid on day 1. DOJ ultimately insisted on full repayment with right of withdrawal within 90 days for all players– a surprise demand made in the 11th hour, after months of good-faith negotiations by GBT.
The legal complications surrounding the deal – specifically, questions surrounding the legality of the forfeiture under non-US laws – also proved unresolvable.
All of the key assets of the FTP companies reside outside of the United States. A non-US court well might regard the purported forfeiture as a “fraudulent transaction” and declare it invalid or deem the acquirer of the assets responsible for all of those creditor obligations.
Given the $80 million purchase price, and the substantial amount of cash needed to relaunch FTP, those issues ultimately proved too substantial to overcome.
GBT is very conscious of the hopes it has created – among FTP employees that they will retain their jobs, among FTP players that they will recover their balances, and among the entire poker community that the world’s finest poker platform will be relaunched and bring a needed added element of competition to a world market that today is fully dominated by a single operator.
GBT cannot accept the end of those hopes.
For that reason, unless a concrete and legally viable solution is found in the very coming days to save the employees and repay the players of FTP, we will move to our own plan of action.
We understand from press reports that the DOJ may have entered into an agreement with PokerStars pursuant to which PokerStars will acquire the FTP assets.
If accurate, we can only assume that PokerStars determined that it was willing to accept these legal and financial risks in order to resolve its own legal situation with DOJ.

If a PokerStars acquisition of FTP means that all FTP players will be fully repaid immediately, we are very happy for the players, as their final and full repayment has always been our priority.
We only regret that such a deal would signal further consolidation of a poker market already dominated by a single player – an outcome that may raise antitrust concerns and that, in the long run, is probably not good for players and for the whole online poker industry.” " unquote
source: e gaming awards[/quote]

En gros et en résumé

GBT abandonne le rachat de FTP après 7 mois de négociations.

Le désaccord porte sur le remboursement des joueurs ROW (reste du monde). GBT voulait réactiver les comptes des joueurs mais interdire aux gros comptes de retirer l’argent avant un certain temps. Le DOJ réclamait que tout le monde puisse retirer cet argent avant un délai de 90 jours.

GBT déclare que cette demande lui a été faite tardivement par le DOJ et conteste à un organe américain le droit de se mêler des modalités de remboursements des non américains.

GBT est conscient des attentes suscitées par son offre auprès des joueurs et des employés de FTP. Il n’acceptera pas que ces espoirs soient déçus. Et reprendra son plan d’action si un deal n’est pas confirmé dans les prochaines heures garantissant l’avenir des employés et le remboursement des joueurs.

GBT est content pour les joueurs que l’offre de pokerstars permette à tous les joueurs d’être remboursés. Puisque cela a toujours été son but.

GBT regrette que cette solution amène à une situation de monopole.

Cool à part ROW (merci Sharp!) j’avais tout compris :slight_smile: